Far South of Manila is where you will find SSS Alabang branch. For those local residents in the nearby area, we have listed in our directory the complete contact details of the branch. This includes hotline contact numbers and exact location address with email address.
For any inquiries regarding your membership status, loan, condonation program, ID application, new number application, housing and other related services, it is strongly suggested to make a call prior to a personal visit. This will help members save time and effort only to find out that the information you need is just a click away thru online inquiry and visiting the official Social Security System website.
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If this is your case, then you just saved yourself from the long waiting in line. |
Trunkline numbers listed below including address is subject to change without prior notice. If by any chance you find any discrepancies in our listing, please don't hesitate to let us know by using our comment section below.
Really interested to come over and visit personally? Here is your guide whether you are on commute of have your own car. Parking will most likely be no problem if you are eager to visit SSS Alabang branch anytime during office hours. Do take note of the opening and closing time (8:00AM - 5:00PM / Monday thru Friday) and be prepared to come early to avoid the very long line as usual. If you are looking for branches with ID capture in UMID application, it is best to come to main branch in East Avenue.
SSS Online Inquiry website is providing comprehensive information on these topics to all Filipino SSS members so we can greatly help individuals preparing for their visit to any of the SSS branches, ensuring they have a seamless and productive experience.
If you think we have helped you in a way to save time, money and effort, please don't hesitate to like our Facebook Page below. For the map guide on how to get there, please see Google Maps provided in this article.
Sep 12, 20 12:31 PM