SSS Binondo Manila Divisoria Hotline Contact Numbers and Office Address

About to make your inquiry with SSS Binondo? Here is the complete contact details of the branch of the Social Security System in Tondo, Manila. This is just one of the many branches scattered all over Metro Manila today. This is part of the campaign by the SSS to make their services available to as many new and old members of the social security.

We have provided the official Google Maps direction guide so you know where to find SSS Binondo branch near Divisoria. If you live anywhere near the area in Manila and you want to visit in person to make an inquiry or to have your questions answered by a qualified customer service personnel of the SSS, here is where you can come. Please do note that in the map, you will see the point of converging traffic so you will easily know which establishment, mall or pay parking space areas can possibly offer parking space if you want or need to bring your car. By commute, you can also use our guide map.

You can also find other offices nearby your residence or work space thru searching our directory listing for NCR branches. If you have relatives, friends, close neighbors, office mates, online gaming mates, facebook or tweeter friends and other people you know who might be looking for overseas offices, we also have a complete list all over the Philippines and abroad which you can find here.

There is no SSS ID capturing device in this office so application for the UMID is not entertained in Binondo branch of the Social Security System. It is always best to apply for an identification card at the main office in Quezon City near BIR and NSO office.

Binondo Office Contact Details

  • Office Location Address:   232 G/F, PADILLA BLDG., JUAN LUNA STREET, BINONDO, MANILA 1006 NCR
  • Hotline Contact Numbers:   Tel No. 63 (02) 245-3187 Fax No. 243-2464
  • Branch Head/Officer-in-Charge:   BRANCH HEAD: LUZVIMINDA J. LIMCAUCO
  • Email Address:

SSS binondo branch map

So you have questions that need to be answered by a virtual government employee of the Social Security System? At SSS Online Inquiry, we make it easier for all members to do that especially if you live anywhere near Binondo area in Divisoria, Tondo, Manila. Below is a guide map so you know how to get there.

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SSS Online Inquiry website is providing comprehensive information on these topics to all Filipino SSS members so we can greatly help individuals preparing for their visit to any of the SSS branches, ensuring they have a seamless and productive experience.

If you think we have helped you in a way to save time, money and effort, please don't hesitate to like our Facebook Page below. For the map guide on how to get there, please see Google Maps provided in this article.


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